Spiritual Gifts

A spiritual gift is the God-given capacity of every Christian to carry out their function in the body of Christ. Scripture tells us that every believer in Jesus Christ is given at least one spiritual gift through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes these gifts are related to natural abilities and talents that the believer has while others gifts may emerge where no natural abilities were present. 

The following Scripture passages contain more information about spiritual gifts and how they are intended to help build up the body of Christ and make the church more effective in reaching people for Jesus: 

-Ephesians 4:11-13

-Hebrews 2:4

-Romans 12:6-8

-1 Corinthians 12:4-31

-1 Corinthians 14:1-25

To learn more about what your spiritual gifts may be, you can take this spiritual gift assessment from Ministry Matters that does a great job defining the different gifts. You will need to create a free Ministry Matters account. The same assessment is also available in print form here. If you have questions about your spiritual gifts or would like to know where your gifts might be of use in the life of Asbury UMC, contact Pastor Matt.