Adult Ministries

At Asbury, we believe that we are created for spiritual community and that this kind of community is central to our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. This means that discipleship is more than the Christian education approaches that have been central to discipleship ministries in the past. Because of this, Asbury is focused on developing opportunities for people to engage in Bible study, prayer, and service all while walking alongside each other through the challenges of life in a way that bonds us together in authentic community. 

For more information about Asbury's Adult Ministries, contact Pastor Matt.

Small Groups

Small Groups are the primary focus for us in helping people encounter spiritual community and to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Whether taking place at Asbury on a Sunday morning or in someone's home during the week, our Small Groups are designed to learn together, pray for each other, care for each other, and to serve with each other in ways that help group members experience all that Christian community has to offer. 

For more information about Asbury Small Groups, contact Pastor Matt.

Room 106 Adult Class

Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say

The Room 106 Adult Small Group is studying Half Truths by Adam Hamilton. Half Truths looks at common sayings that sound biblical but are not found in the Bible or are in the Bible but are taken out of context so that we might better recognize what the bible actually does say. This is a book and DVD study that meets Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:00 a.m. in Room 106.


Monday Morning Small Group

Mondays at 10:15 a.m. in the Hospitality Room there will be a study of "Ten Men of the Bible" by Max Lucado. This group is led by Cindy Nelson.

Immerse Bible Book Clubs

"Immerse" Bible Book Clubs are available seasonally for those interested in a different approach to reading scripture. The approach is like a book club in which 8-12 participants gather once a week to discuss the reading using these 4 questions:

1.     What stood out to you this week?

2.     Was there anything confusing or troubling?

3.     Did anything make you think differently about God?

4.     How might this change the way we live?

If you are interested in more information, about Asbury's Immerse Bible Book Clubs, contact Pastor Matt.

Women's Ministry

Caring Connections Small Group

Caring Connections meets on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. (September-May) in the Library. It is a place to develop relationships with other women, reset for the week ahead, share laughter, and grow in faith. Whether you join us weekly, or occasionally, there is a spot for you around the table on Sunday mornings. Women of all ages are welcome! We hope you will join us. For more information about Caring Connections, contact Barb Roozen.

United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women)

The United Women in Faith meet September-December and February-May.  The general meeting will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room and usually features a speaker talking about local issues in Sioux Falls. Finally, the Comforters meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month to sew and tie small quilts for the Tree of Life Mission on the Rosebud Reservation. For more information about United Women in Faith activities, please email

Men's Ministry

By My Works Men's Group

The By My Works Men’s Group meets the first Saturday of the month at 7:00-9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This group is open to men of all ages purposed around fellowship, service and food! For more information on the By My Works Men's Group, contact Jim Gray