Asbury Leadership Team

Mission of the Leadership Team:

To champion the mission statement of Asbury UMC which is “To provide life-changing experiences with Christ by loving and accepting all, nurturing discipleship, and serving others.” 

About the Leadership Team: 

The Leadership Team consists of 9 lay members of Asbury UMC. The Senior Pastor, Financial Secretary and Associate Pastor serve as ex-officio members with full voice, but no vote. This team absorbs all responsibilities of the administrative roles/groupings defined in the United Methodist Book of Discipline (SPR, Trustees, Administrative Team, Finance) including:

  • Approve the annual budget
  • Approve the hiring of employees
  • Annual review of the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor
  • Approve all land acquisitions, facility construction and significant legal obligations
  • When a special need exists, the Leadership Team can create a work group consisting of a sub-group of the Leadership Team and/or other church members. 

All members serve a three-year term. Each member may serve up to two consecutive terms. In our inaugural year, the team determined which three members will transition off at the end of 2024 and which three members will transition off at the end of 2025 to establish a regular rotation of new and returning members.

A layperson from the Leadership Team is selected to be the chairperson for the team; they will partner with the Pastoral Staff to lead the Leadership Team.

In addition to monthly meetings, each member of the Leadership Team also serves on one of three Leadership Team Sub-Groups: Staff-Parish Relations (SPR), Trustees, or Finance. These sub-groups give focused attention within their areas to provide insight and recommendations to be acted on by the full Leadership Team.

The 2024 Asbury Leadership Team members are:

-Class of 2024: Jeff Easter, Nathan Grau, Anna Suckow (Team Chairperson)

-Class of 2025: Rogene Brown, Mike Nesheim, Bonnie Shinn

-Class of 2026: Carly Ellsworth, Steve Mix, Rennae Petersen

Leadership Team Documentation

Leadership Team Covenant

The Leadership Team Covenant outlines the expectations for team members in their work together and their commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of Asbury UMC. The Team Covenant will be revised and submitted for approval to the team at the start of each year.

View the Asbury Leadership Team Covenant.

Leadership Team Job Descriptions

Job descriptions were created and revised to guide the efforts of the Asbury Leadership Team and to give clarity to the expectations of the Team Chairperson and the Finance, SPR, and Trustees sub-groups that will provide oversight and recommendations for the Leadership Team's work. 

View the Leadership Team Chairperson job description.

View the Finance Sub-Group job description.

View the SPR Sub-Group job description.

View the Trustees Sub-Group job description.